The Nature of Truth

“Truth is pure and simply repeatable, verifiable patterns.”
                                                           — Simon Baron Cohen

In his book, “The Science of Evil” Baron Cohen eloquently differentiates himself from philosophers in making this proclamation.
This assertion is perhaps one of the few things that unites scientists and philosophers.

In the realm of science, truth does not have a moral component attached to it. It manifests as revelations in lieu of study –– a tested hypothesis, independently and belatedly verifiable.

In the metaphysical, these transpire as life lessons, reflections in the face of suffering –– an eventuality arrived at following deep penance in pursuit of some respite amidst the tragedy of existence.

The conclusion one and the same – this is what is, this is what happens.

Religion then is a great vehicle for truth for it imparts these life lessons through the happenstance of characters. To be skeptical of such truth is to be intrinsically incapable of grasping it. Morality and conscience are its greatest invalidators.

They are inclinations that protect sensibilities to the detriment of actualization.
Naïve, righteous criticisms, rooted in the subjective nature of human expression. To stratify based on observable patterns deduced by numbers and research is to reduce the individual to an item.

The nuance of novel feedback escapes them for their righteousness denies a resignation to the patient and poetic flow of truth.

Like in the face of disaster, morality shakes its head, incapable of comprehending conclusion, unwilling to accept inherent outsider status to the viewing party since it rejects its status of forced exclusivity within disaster.
Morality rejects the truth of its very own nature.